Fechner Day 2024

  • Abstract Submission
    31st July 2024
  • Registration Window
    17th June 2024 - 31st July 2024
  • Conference Dates
    7th - 9th October 2024
IIT Kanpur welcomes you to the 40th annual meeting of ISP


The 2024 edition of the Fechner Day, the 40th Annual meeting of the International Society for Psychophysics is organized by the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. We are happy to welcome you in Kanpur, India, 7-9 of October 2024!

Visit ISP's Website
  • Location Indian Institute of Technology,
    Kanpur, India
  • Date & Time 10am - 6pm, 7 - 9 October,
  • Keynote Speakers 3
    Keynote Speakers

Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission:
31st July 2024
Registration Window:
17th June - 31st July 2024

Please submit your abstract or a short article (no more than six pages) before the deadline, to submitfd24@gmail.com Please ensure that the following details are sent with the email subject ISP presentation. If you need any clarifications, please reach out to contactfd24@gmail.com

  • Title
  • Author(s)
  • Abstract (300 words) or short paper (max 6 pages)
  • Preference for oral / poster presentation

The proceedings will be published in book format, a copy of which will be given to all conference attendees. Please consult the following documents before submitting your manuscript:

Conference Schedule

Here's the conference schedule, including keynote speaker sessions, talks, and poster sessions.

Keynote Speakers

Yoshitaka Nakajima

Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Design, Kyushu University.

Timothy L. Hubbard

Department of Psychology, Arizona State University

Diana Kornbrot

Emeritus Professor in Mathematical Psychology, University of Hertfordshire


Registration fee includes access to all lectures, posters, proceedings, food, and accomodation during the conference

Do not forget to pay ISP membership fees for 2024 here before the registration

International - Students


For the entire conference
International - Faculty


For the entire conference
National - Students


For the entire conference
National - Faculty


For the entire conference

Note: The final fees will be the course fees (which is mentioned above) + 18% GST (which is exempted for IITK Faculty and Students). Please fill the fees accordingly in the SBI collect portal. Please ensure you have paid the ISP membership fees for 2024 here before the registration

Please follow these steps to pay the conference registration fees:

  • Visit SBI Collect
  • Click on Educational Institutes
  • Select Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur in Educational Institutes
  • Select CDTE Workshops in the payments category and fill in the following details:
    • Course Code - IITK/CCE/24-25/037
    • Course Title - Fechner Day 2024
    • Participant Category - Select from the category relevant to you from the list.
    • Participant Name
    • Name of Institute / Organization
    • Course Fees (Including 18% GST if applicable)
    • Remarks

Please reach out to contactfd24@gmail.com if you have any confusions in any of the steps mentioned in the registration process.

Contact, Venue, and Accomodation Info

Please drop us a mail at contacfd24@gmail.com if you have any queries. The venue for the conference will be Outreach Auditorium, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. Accomodation will be provided within the institute premises itself, and the details will be communicated to participants over email.

ISP Committee

Scientific Committee

  • Narayanan Srinivasan
  • Devpriya Kumar
  • William Stine
  • Tal Dotan Ben-Soussan
  • Thomas Lachmann

Local Organizing Committee

  • Narayanan Srinivasan
  • Devpriya Kumar
  • Ark Verma
  • Kaushik
  • Pratyush
  • Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
  • TBD